World War II Fire Control Tower #3 Restoration Begins This Week!

De Seashore Preservation Foundation

Dewey Beach, DE – After many years of planning and fund raising the Delaware Seashore Preservation Foundation, Fort Miles Historical Association and Delaware State Parks is proud to announce the start of the restoration of World War II Fire Control Tower #3 located on Coastal Highway on Tower Road Oceanside just south of Dewey Beach DE in Delaware Seashore State Park. Visitors will now be able to see inside the Tower as restoration plans continue!

For more information regarding this effort, please visit

Monday July 24th – Contractor Mobilization, layout & begin boxing out trail & door preparation

Tuesday July 25th – Complete forming trail and begin pouring concrete

Wednesday July 26th  – Complete concrete work, temporary acrylic plastic door

Thursday July 27th – Final cleanup

Delaware Seashore Preservation Foundation

The Delaware Seashore Preservation Foundation is a non-profit Friends organization created to preserve, protect and enhance the Indian River Life Saving Station, and the Parks within the

Delaware Seashore State Park Region including the Indian River Marina, Delaware Seashore,

Fenwick Island and Holts Landing State Parks. (

Fort Miles Historical Association

The Fort Miles Historical Association is a nonprofit group that has as its mission to preserve, protect and defend all aspects of Fort Miles working with community and state stakeholders and other interested parties. The FMHA also has its goal to work as an active partner with the State of Delaware to develop the historical potential of Fort Miles. (