The Quiet Resorts encompass ten towns, spanning from the Indian River Inlet, south to the MD state line, and from the eastern coast, west to Dagsboro. Whether you are visiting or call this beautiful area your home, the Quiet Resorts offer something special for everyone. The pristine beaches, serene inland bays, rolling farm land, and beautiful wooded parks give a variety of scenery for those seeking relaxation or exploration. For the art lover, there are galleries, antiques, theatres, and Grammy winning performances. For the person on the move, there are nationally recognized golf and tennis facilities, trails, kayaks, bicycles, fishing, and more. Unique boutiques and outlets that have it all make tax-free shopping even sweeter. And the food! Make sure you take the time to enjoy the cuisine prepared by local award-winning chefs of the Culinary Coast.
Need help planning or finding some hidden gems? Stop by the Information Center on Coastal Highway in Fenwick any time of year to speak to an area expert for help maximizing your Quiet Resorts experience. If planning your trip in advance, contact the information center here, or give us a call at 302-539-2100 ext.110. For information on parking in each town, please see the town’s websites.