2019 Operation SEAs The Day
The 2019 Operation SEAs The Day Very Important Families (VIFS’s) arrive September 3, 2019!
It is VERY EXCITING to have Wounded Veteran Families visiting the Bethany Beach community and surrounding area!! Final plans are underway for the 7TH Annual Warrior Beach Week.
During the week (9/3 – 9/8), Bethany Beach will host 32 VIFs (Very Important Families). Residents and visitors can continue to show our most deserving fellow Americans that Bethany Beach Communities care. Here are a few ways:
- Poster Pal Program – The Operation SEAs The Day Poster Pal team will be at the Bethany Beach Library on Tuesdays July 9, 16, and 23 — 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Bring your family, guests, friends, and neighbors for fun and creativity to complete a poster welcoming and honoring the brave Veteran families participating in the 7th Annual Warrior Beach Week. Blank posters and markers will be provided at the library. Posters are used to line the street as the VIFs arrive for their Welcome reception. You can also join other patriotic families recognizing the Warrior families at Bayside for the Hero’s Welcome motorcade where the posters will also line the street. Warrior families will be able take home their favorite posters.
- 2019 Operation SEAs The Day official merchandise – Wear your 2019 OSTD shirts!!!! 2019 Operation SEAs the Day official merchandise on sale at various locations: o Sea Colony Beach Shoppe: The Sea Colony Beach Shoppe located at Sea Colony Marketplace, Rt. 1 near Bethany Beach, DE 2015 o Bethany Sea Crest Shop: Downtown Bethany located at 99 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE 19930. o Sea Colony Farmers Market on Wednesdays, 6/12 thru 9/4 o Giant Food: 38069 Town Center Dr. Millville, DE – 8/13 and 9/10, Freeman Stage – 9/6, Cripple Creek Car Show – 9/7
- “Heroes” Welcome Home – 9/6 Friday, 4:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. – LINE THE STREETS – Buses carrying Warrior families will leave Sea Colony Marketplace 4:45 p.m. and arrive at Bayside 5:00-5:15 p.m. Bring your family and friends — wear Red, White, and Blue —- wave an American flag. Or come to Bayside and give these brave men and woman the HERO’S WELCOME HOME they deserve as they arrive between 5:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.!
- “Bruce In The USA” concert – 9/6 Friday, 7:00 p.m, (back by popular demand) ‘Bruce In The USA’ is much more than just another tribute band. It’s the ultimate celebration of Bruce Springsteen & The E. Street. Band. This high-energy musical experience is fun-filled and exciting. The VIF’s will be the honored guests for the evening. Tickets are available on the Freeman Stage website www.freemanstage.org.
- Support Local Businesses – The business community have risen to the occasion –100+ businesses are contributing to assure a wonderful week for our honored heroes and the families. Patronize the businesses with 7th Annual — PROUD SUPPORTER OF OPERATION SEAS THE DAY signs in the windows.
For more information go to OperationSeasTheDay.org.