Three-Part EXPORTECH Workshops Set For Sussex County Starting July 26
What business owner wouldn’t want to yield a 960 percent return on his or her investment? EXPORTECH has a proven track record of assisting Delaware companies to become successful exporters, and is offering a three-part workshop series starting Wednesday, July 26 at the Small Business Development Center office, 103 W. Pine Street, Georgetown. The other two sessions will be held August 23 and September 20.
The workshops will help companies develop and execute their own international growth plan. Exporting companies grow twice as fast as those which do not. The strategic approach used in the EXPORTECH workshops will help reduce risk and increase success.
In only three sessions, over three months, companies will develop a vetted, actionable export growth plan. The program includes more than 24 hours of personalized coaching from seasoned international business experts.
The program is for new-to-export companies who have international sales potential and are ready to make the commitment required to succeed internationally, and companies that have engaged in some exporting. In addition companies with a strong product that offers a clear competitive advantage and has international market potential will likely benefit the most from this program.
The series is sponsored by the Delaware Small Business Development Center, the U.S. Small Business Administration, Fulton Bank, Delaware Manufacturing Extension Partnership, NIST/MEP, U.S. Commercial Service, Delaware World Trade Center and Federal Express.
For additional information or to register, call Delaware Manufacturing Extension Partnership at 302-283-3131.