Delaware Hospice to Now Offer Dementia Support Groups

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(Newark, DE.) – Delaware Hospice is now offering online support groups for caregivers of loved ones
living with dementia. These groups are a part of Delaware Hospice’s increased focused programming to
support individuals living with dementia as well as the people who care for them.

Two online groups will be available and are intended to improve access to services and support for those
who desperately need it but who may not have the luxury of time and travel capabilities. Both groups
will run from July through November.

Never Alone – Online Group:

A safe, online space for caregivers and loved ones of persons with dementia to develop a support
system and talk through issues and ways of coping. This group will meet on the last Wednesday of the
month from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm.

A Journey of Love – Online Group:

An online support group where attendees can share their journey of caring for a loved one living with
dementia. This safe space allows participants to share their thoughts and feelings with others on a
similar journey. This group will meet on the second Tuesday of the month from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm.

“We are delighted to offer these support groups to our community,” said Director of Hospice Services,
Melissa Cheshire-Lynch, “Each day we strive to increase resources and support for families and
caregivers of those struggling with a life-limiting illness.”

To register or learn more about our online dementia support groups, please visit: