Page 16 - Bethany-Fenwick Chamber of Commerce Discover Guide 2024
P. 16
Bicycle Safety
BE ALERT! Scan ahead, center, left and Crosswalks: Persons shall not ride a
right. bicycle on a crosswalk where prohibited by
official signs or markings. A person riding in a
BE WARY! Pay attention to vehicles, crosswalk shall yeild to pedestrians and give
audible signal when overtaking.
pedestrians, and others on the road.
Trails & Parks: Try to use trails to get
BE SEEN! Use a bell, hand signals and
where you need to go. It is safer, less stressful,
lights to be seen by others. and you get to see some amazing views.
Cycling is permitted on trails designated as
Hand Signals: Communicate your bicycle routes. Always obey posted trail
intention to turn, stop, and change lanes using closures.
recognized hand signals.
Lock your bike: Secure your bike to a
Sidewalks: Riding with and opposite flows bike rack. If there is not any, secure your bike
of traffic on a sidewalk is permitted unless to a stand or fence using a bike lock. If your
prohibited by official signs or markings. Persons bike has lights, they should be removeable so
riding on sidewalks shall have all the rights and you can take them with you.
responsibilities of a pedestrian.
Verify if riding on sidewalks is allowed within a Store your bike out of sight: Store
municipality. Pedestrians shall walk opposite the your bike in a secure location, such as a locked
flow of traffic on road or shoulder when no side- location or inside your home.
walks are available.
Safety Equipment Bells or Horns: Reccommended to have a
bell or horn to alert other cyclists, pedestrians and
Front & Rear Bicycle Lights: Cyclists need motorists of your presence.
to see and be seen. When riding, especially at night,
bikes shall be equipped with a white headlight and Bicycle & Helmet: Required by law if under
rear tail light visible for at least 500-feet. the age of 18, but recommended for all ages.
Know The Laws Before You Ride
for Delaware Bycycle laws go to